Mike Britton has spent nearly 20 years practicing architecture, with projects spanning from coast to coast. His primary focus and passion is in the residential realm, with occasional commissions in commercial and industrial work. 

Mike’s office is based in the mountains of the Eastern Sierra Nevada, with the bulk of project work within this region. With this in mind, projects here need great design consideration to function well in a snowy environment, but also respond to our hot dry summers with intense solar gains. Often times this leads to clean, simple structures which can naturally become more affordable designs when dictated by the client. 

Our projects range from new home designs, additions & renovations, to site analysis and feasibility studies. We are always glad to consult and advise clients on land they may be seeking for a new home site. 

California Registered Architect

Massachusetts Registered Architect

American Institute of Architects

National Council Architectural Registration Boards

Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design
(LEED Accredited Professional)